Email Marketing Services UK

Looking for the Best Email Marketing Agency in the UK?

Well, You have come to the right place!

Email Marketing Agency UK

SBP - The Best Email Marketing Agency UK

What’s Email Marketing?

Are you looking for the top Email Marketing Services in the UK? First, you need to be understand what email marketing actually is. It is the first digital marketing method in the world. It involves sending out commercial emails to a list of people who have opted to receive emails from you, then keep them engaged with remarketing. Marketing via email can be utilized to communicate a “message” directly to customers (your audience) to increase sales, create community around your company and increase trust with your customers. The majority of email marketing campaigns are used to announce special promotions and launch of new products, or the introduction of new content such as webinars and e-books, etc. The aim is to build your overall image as a brand. Campaigns may comprise of three to 10 emails distributed in a span of several days or weeks. They can also be sent through regular newsletter.

Email marketing can be a highly effective marketing method. It’s a kind of direct digital advertising that makes use of email to advertise the products or services of your business. Through marketing via email, you can ensure that your customers are kept informed about your latest business updates or promotions, product launches and more. Email marketing also plays an essential role in your marketing plan by creating leads, establishing brand awareness, increasing the loyalty of customers or creating an online community for your brand.

Marketing via email isn’t something new. Actually, it was one of the first media channels that was launched over 50 years ago. Yet, even after that it has transformed to become a modern digital marketing method through the incorporation of marketing automation into your marketing strategy. Marketing campaigns via email are more specific, precise and individualized than traditional social media marketing campaigns. This is why they have a higher conversion rate. Their lower price in comparison to other marketing channels is another advantage, making it the top option for small-sized businesses.

“SEO Blackpool” has been providing marketing via email in the UK for quite a while. We are able to tailor our marketing strategies for email to meet the requirements of our customers.

Some Important Questions about Email Marketing Agencies in the UK

  • Why Is Email Marketing Important?
  • Why Use Email Marketing Services?

With the development of new digital marketing techniques such as PPC and SMM The constant question is "Can email marketing still be relied upon as much as previously?" In the short answer it is yes. If you have a well-planned email marketing plan allows you to connect with your customers in a more personal manner and boost sales at a low cost. Like other platforms for marketing and communication have changed in the past, tools for marketing via email are also advancing which makes it easier than ever for your company to communicate with your customers.

Email is the tool for marketing which helps you build an easy, seamless and continuous purchasing path. In addition, it lets you build connections with customers, leads and even former customers. It's your chance to reach out directly with them via their email at a time that best suits their needs.

Here are the most compelling reasons marketing why email is essential now in order to be used to boost your business's visibility:

  1. Keep connected to your target audience
  2. Everyone uses email
  3. Connect with customers in real-time
  4. Utilizing mobile devices users can access their emails immediately
  5. People communicate via email
  6. Email is a fantastic method of letting your customers know about your business
  7. Marketing through email is easy to track
  8. Email can help you establish your brand's reputation and increase its make your brand more appealing to customers.
  9. It's reasonably priced
  10. It is time efficient. 

If you are using an email marketing service that is professional such as that of ours (of SEO Blackpool), you are able to access comprehensive reports that provide important statistics like emails sent, opened, who opened them, and the links that were clicked. Additionally, you can view crucial information such as kicks, spam reports, and unsubscribes. This allows you to determine what is working and help you identify growth opportunities or issues which could put your business at risk.

Many marketers question why email marketing is so important in a time when the social networks are extensive and the traffic to social media has increased exponentially over the years. However, here's the truth: People still check their email inbox to look for special deals from brands that appeal to them. In fact 44% of customers go through their email to look for ads from affiliates, but only 4% use social media sites for information about campaigns.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. With the many possibilities that email marketing provides you're just one step away from making further changes to your company. Are you still unsure of what the significance of email marketing for promoting brand recognition? Here are more reasons to consider investing on an email marketing campaign is crucial:

  1. Customer loyalty
  2. Open platform
  3. Expand the reach of your company
  4. For a long time
  5. Contact different target groups
  6. Make sure you keep track of your analysis
  7. Reduce time and effort
Email Marketing Agency UK

The Features of Outsourced Email Marketing Services in the UK

How Effective Email Marketing Agency UK Can Be?

The average engagement rate of e-mail marketing is around 24% whereas for Facebook it is only 0.2%.
80% of business email inboxes are checked regularly.
88% of users confirm that they are likely to respond to an email message, customized for them.
93% of B2B marketers use email channel for distributing content.
ROI on email marketing is 4200% i.e. Rs. 42 for each Rs. 1 spent.
Outsourced Email Marketing
Digital Marketing Agency

How to Services of An Email Marketing Agency UK?

The process of planning and coordinating the development of an Email marketing strategy is complicated because it involves many technical aspects to think about.

However, with our help it can be just as simple for you as 1,2,3. Our team includes email marketing specialists, who are capable of organizing, launching and improving your e-mail marketing campaigns professionally. All you have to do is to make a list of all the products/services/web pages for which you want to conduct the campaign and contact us in any of the ways mentioned below. We will contact you with an initial strategy. The plan will be studied by you before approving it. You can request clarification. Following the final approval of the plan by you, we begin working on your plan. The length of the entire plan and execution is dependent on the scope of the campaign and could range between two and four weeks.

Branded E-mail Marketing Packages in the UK



From 1,000 to 2,000 E-mails

  • Minimum 1K E-mail
  • Maximum 2K SMS
  • Audience Selection
  • E-mail Software 
  • Reporting



From 10,000 E-mails and above

  • Minimum 10K E-mails
  • Maximum No Limit
  • Email Software 
  • Audience Selection
  • Reporting

*Terms Apply. Additional pages will cost extra.  

**The actual prices may change depending upon the type of the campaign. 

***SBP offers you the most affordable e-mail marketing packages. 

All of Our E-mail Marketing Packages Include:

Audience Selection

Knowing your target audience is crucial. We pay particular attention to choosing the audience you want to target for your marketing email campaign.

A/B Testing

When testing A/B we make two different versions emails and then compare their performance to determine which version has the highest performance. We choose the one that is most effective.

Funnel Level

Knowing at what stage that the buyers journey where your customer is located is vitally important. We attempt to determine the buyer's journey along your sales funnel so that you can create a perfect funnel.

Google Analytics

To track the reaction to our email marketing campaign we have to utilize Google Analytics. If you don't have an account with us, we'll set one up for you.


Sometimes, we'd prefer to manage your e-mail marketing campaign as an ongoing newsletter that contains the latest information from your business or industry.

Software Selection

Professionally designed software is employed to manage the marketing campaign. Using the wrong software could lead to the loss of messages.

Technical Support

We also offer uninformed technical support to our clients regarding their email marketing campaigns, such as how to increase their engagement, as well as increase their conversion rates, etc.


We provide regular reports on the campaign's results to our clients in order to keep them informed of any changes in the performance of the marketing emails.

Outsourced Email Marketing

The Industries we have worked for:

Have Questions about email marketing? We have answers...

1What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing can be used to send a "message" to your contacts (your target audience),to increase your sales, build communities around your brand and build customer loyalty. Email marketing campaigns are generally used to promote special offers, new product launches, promote new content such as e-books and webinars, etc. Email marketing is the primary digital marketing technique, which involves sending commercial emails to a list of contacts who specifically want to receive emails from their suppliers, and then keeping them engaged through remarketing.

2How Much Does Email Marketing Cost?

Email marketing costs between £40 and £60 per month for a basic package, but the price can vary depending on factors like how many emails you want to send and how many contacts you want to use. According to Active Campaign, the price per thousand emails for consumer lists is different from the price per thousand emails for a commercial list.

3What Do Email Marketing Agencies Do?

Email marketing is the method of promoting your brand through targeted email messages to your clients and guides. It's a combination that combines direct and electronic marketing, which seeks to turn results into customers and into long-term customers. An email marketing agency starts by analyzing your market and the target audience. A marketing agency that focuses on email examines your client base and figures the platforms they are using and what their requirements are. They can help you develop an effective strategy for reaching those people, and turn them into subscribers and then into sales.

4Why Is Email Marketing Important?

With a sound strategy for marketing via email it is possible to connect with your customers with a personalized approach and boost sales. As other marketing channels and platforms have changed in the past, tools for marketing via email are also evolving and making it more convenient than ever for businesses to connect with customers.


Email is a marketing tool that allows you to create an effortless, connected and unbroken purchasing path. In addition, it helps you establish connections with customers, leads as well as previous customers. This is your opportunity to talk directly to them in their email at a time that is convenient for their needs.

Here are the most compelling reasons email marketing is crucial now as well as how email marketing can increase sales for your company:

  • Stay connected with your target audience
  • Contact customers in real-time
  • People communicate via email
  • Email is an excellent method of letting your customers know about your business
  • Marketing through email is simple to track
  • Email helps to build brand recognition and increase your appeal
5What Are Different Types of Email Marketing?

Conservative salespeople are always looking for new ways to build relationships with customers and increase sales. Email marketing campaigns are not managed reliably, they are strategic and calculated. There are multiple types of email marketing that you can use for your business, but don't consider a definitive list—every brand is different, so adjust your strategy accordingly. This information is intended to help you make an informed decision about choosing the most appropriate email type.

  • Welcome email
  • Manage feed emails
  • Email newsletter
  • Redirect emails
  • seasonal campaign
  • Special emails
6Why Email Marketing is Effective?

Marketing via email allows businesses to reach out to large numbers of customers for a fee in the range of one cent per email. If you are a small-sized business owner who are on a tight budget this is a superior alternative to traditional channels for marketing like radio, and TV. The most important thing is that email marketing lets you establish relationships with potential customers, and even old customers. This is your opportunity to reach them directly in their inbox at a time that is convenient for their needs. With the appropriate messages, emails are one of the most effective marketing channels.

See What Our Valued Clients Say About Our Email Marketing Services in the UK

Review for Email Marketing

SEO Blackpool carried out an email marketing campaign in Scotland. This campaign has received a positive response.

H. Suhani

S. N.

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